Stashtools Templates
Templates are made in USA from 1/8'' fluorescent acrylic and include 1/4'' seam allowances. The templates are laser engraved and extremely accurate. Instructions on how to use the templates are included.
2.5'' Trapezoid T1 - The Trapezoid is 2 1/2'' tall and is perfect for use on a 2 1/2'' strip. Template combines three templates into one and is used in conjunction with the Triangle T2 Template to make the Topsy Turvy Triangle Block.
3.5'' Triangle T2 - The Triangle is 3 1/2'' tall. The triangle finishes at 3 1/2'' across bottom and is 3'' high. The Triangle Template is used in conjunction with the Trapezoid T1 Template to make the Topsy Turvy Triangle Block.
5'' Wedge T3 - The Wedge is 2 1/2'' wide and is perfect for cutting from a 2 1/2'' strip or diagonally from a 5'' square. Template finishes at 2'' by approximately 6 1/4''. The Wedge is used in conjunction with the Square T6 Template to make the Wedge Block.
4.5'' Tumbler T4 - The Tumbler is 4 1/2'' tall and is perfect for use on a 5'' square. Template finishes at 4'' across the bottom and 2 1/2'' across the top and is 4 1/2'' high.
5'' Ruler T5 - The 5'' Ruler is 5'' long and 1'' tall. It is designed to measure 5'' but also check the accuracy of your 1/4'' and 3/8'' seams. Place ruler under presser foot, lower needle into proper hole, lower presser foot and mark seam allowance with painters tape or sticky notes.
5'' Square T6 - The 5'' Square is used to cut 5'' squares and to square up 5'' blocks. Diagonal lines are used to center the template to trim around unfinished blocks. The template can also be used to make half square triangles. The Square is used in conjunction with the Wedge T3 Template to make the Wedge Block.
Elongated Hexagon T7 - The Elongated Hexagon is 2 1/2'' tall and is perfect for cutting from a 2 1/2'' strip or diagonally on a 2 1/2'' strip Template finishes at 3'' across the bottom and 2'' high.
2 1/2'' Wedge T8 - The 2 1/2'' Wedge fits diagonally on a 2 1/2'' square and can also be used as a key chain fob.
7'' Wedge T9 - The 7'' Wedge is perfect for cutting diagonally from a 7'' square. The 7'' Wedge is used in conjunction with the 7'' Square T10 Template to make the 7'' Wedge Block.
7'' Square T10 - The 7'' Square is used to cut 7'' squares and to square up 7'' blocks. Diagonal lines are used to center the template to trim around unfinished blocks. The template can also be used to make half square triangles. The 7'' Square is used in conjunction with the 7'' Wedge T9 Template to make the larger 7'' Wedge Block.
2 1/2'' Square T11 - The 2 1/2'' Square is used to cut 2 1/2'' squares and to square up 2 1/2'' blocks. Diagonal lines are used to center the template to trim around unfinished blocks. The template can also be used to make half square triangles. The 2 1/2'' Square is used in conjunction with the 2 1/2'' Wedge T8 Template to make the Mini-Wedge Block (2 1/2'' square).
Mini Trapezoid T12 - The Mini Trapezoid is a little under 2'' tall and is perfect for use on scrap fabric or a 2 1/2'' strip. Template combines three templates into one and is used in conjunction with the 2 1/2'' Triangle T13 Template to make the Mini Topsy Turvy Triangle Block.
2 1/2'' Triangle T13 - The 2 1/2'' Triangle is 2 1/2'' tall and is used in conjunction with the Mini Trapezoid T12 Template to make the Mini Topsy Turvy Triangle Block.
2 1/2'' Tumbler T14 - The 2 1/2'' Tumbler is 2 1/2'' tall and is perfect for use on a 2 1/2'' strip or a 2 1/2'' square.
2 1/2'' Hexagon T15 - The Hexagon is 1 1/4'' from point to point (2 1/2'' across template) and has holes for marking corners.
2 1/2'' Apple core T16 - The 2 1/2'' Apple Core is 2 1/2'' tall and is perfect for use on a 2 1/2'' strip or square.
4 1/2'' Apple Core T17 - The 4 1/2'' Apple Core is 4 1/2'' tall and is perfect for use on a 5'' square.
10'' Square T18 - The 10'' Square is used to cut 10'' squares and to square up 10'' blocks. Diagonal lines are used to center the template to trim around unfinished blocks. The template can also be used to make half square triangles. Holes are drilled every 2'' so blocking a 10'' square made from 2 1/2'' squares is a breeze.